Faroex's Polygrate™ Hog Flooring System

Hog production is a specialized, demanding industry. As the progenitor of composite flooring for hog barns, Faroex has a special understanding of the unique problems producers must overcome to develop superior animals and realize a profit. Pioneering the first all-composite system in 1981, the firm developed a unique material formula of fibreglass-reinforced thermoplastic panels supported by corrosion-proof, pultruded composite beams, resulting in today’s "iron-strong", heat resistant, and ultra-convenient POLYGRATE flooring and support framing system. This more traditional approach to a farrowing floor guarantees long term satisfaction and high productivity. Other, more trendy floor designs and layouts have yet to prove their merit. Over the years Faroex has continued to refine its product, creating a flooring system that is still the time-tested, "World Class", premium product of choice for discerning producers.
POLYGRATE'S unique "high-low" finger design provides outstanding traction for pigs of all sizes, while enhancing safety and comfort. POLYGRATE is designed to give LOCKED IN TRACTION for the sow's feet. Research shows that this improved traction encourages the sow to get up more often to feed and drink, further maximizing milk production. Improved traction also means that sows lay more slowly and carefully, protecting piglets from injury. POLYGRATE'S rounded corners minimize injuries. The edges are bevelled providing a smoother, safer surface that promotes comfort, too.