Faroex’s technology-based dimensions of value are contributing to the development of sustainable industries that promote the well-being of our planet.
From critical structures for wind turbine blades to lightweight, corrosion resistant bus bodies, Faroex uses high-technology composites to create total solutions in design, manufacturing, and supply management for its industry-leading customers.
Faroex is structured to seek solutions from a range of technology and process options – pultrusion, resin infusion, reaction injection molding, and structural injection molding - and tailor those options to fit its customer’s performance, manufacturing, and business criteria. Markets served include:
For more detailed information about market segments, click on the links or contact Faroex Sales for eBrochures detailing the division's capabilities as well as exciting new technological developments that expand our reach in traditional and new markets.

Faroex's composite technologies are critical to maintaining profitability of transit OEMs in the face of market uncertainty [...]

The rising demand for reinforced plastics in the construction equipment market is driven by the vast number of [...]

Global climate change is already impacting traditionally stable crop lands, desiccating once rain fed agricultural biomes [...]

Faroex’s Avero™ Concept Demonstrator is a showcase of its Downright Light™ patented hybrid composite technology [...]

Faroex is under contract to LM Wind Energy, the leading world-wide supplier of blades for wind turbines, [...]