Total Customer Satisfaction
We strive to completely satisfy and exceed our customer’s requirements.
Quality includes but is not limited to delivery of products that are absent of defects while meeting our client’s performance objectives, on time, and on budget. It also includes managing our relationships with key suppliers to ensure top performance as well as fostering good relations with our “internal customers” - those business functions that are critical to maintaining market leadership for ourselves and our clients.
Total Participation
Faroex’s employees consider it their personal mission to ensure customer satisfaction by continuously improving the processes, products, and services in which they are involved.
Every employee recognizes there is a dual function in the work they do; not only are they responsible for carrying out their daily tasks, they are also participate in the improvement of manufacturing processes as well as streamlining the management function.
Our organizational philosophy inspires team work at all levels, bringing together sometimes divergent competencies to create a synergy that recognizes and rewards the value of alternative and creative points of view.
Continuous Improvement
Based on the principle that everything that can be measured can be improved, every advancement achieved becomes the new standard by which our performance is measured.
Every step of the management and manufacturing process is scrutinized from the perspective of continuous improvement promoting efficiency and exceeding customer expectations.