Faroex is an OEM supplier for the heavy duty truck industry in North America, furnishing a range of services including concept design, engineering, prototyping, mold fabrication, and parts.
Molded products include quarter fenders, fender extensions, and splash fenders, lower skirts, rear fenders, roof extensions and fairings.
Faroex also offers completely integrated modules –such as truck fenders and fairings with lighting, electrical harnesses, latches and latching hardware, and internal support elements. Manufacturing technologies include: VARTM & RIM(DCPD).
Market Manager: Ronald McGaskey and Bruno Doyon

Heavy Duty Class 7 & 8
Faroex’s range of composite processing technologies can be custom-tailored to meet today’s exacting standards for performance, reliability, and quality.
RIM DCPD – growing in popularity, this versatile, closed-molding process yields low-cost parts. DCPD is a cost-effective, high-performance alternative to out-dated metal and composite technologies.
DCPD PortalTM - Continuous process improvement and innovation at RMC has yielded another break through: low cost RIM tooling! Ideal for prototype and short-run moulding of instrument panels, side consoles, access panels, fairings, grilles, headlight and taillight bezels utilizing this low cost, impact resistant, class “A” polymer.
VARTM – this second-generation, sandwich-panel processing technology has been upgraded to reduce cost and improve performance. Characterized by low cost tooling, lightweight, and structural potential, it’s ideal for unitized cab floors and interior bulkheads.